Understanding the Gap between Sales and Software Development in Software Companies

In the intricate landscape of software companies, a notable divide often emerges between the sales and software development departments. Sales is hailed for its immediate revenue impact, while development is sometimes misconstrued as a cost center. This article aims to dissect the reasons behind this prevalent gap and shed light on the distinct roles that each department plays in a company’s success.

Working with Entity Framework Core in C#

Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is a powerful and lightweight Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework for .NET applications. It simplifies database operations by allowing developers to work with .NET objects rather than writing raw SQL queries. In this tutorial, we’ll explore the fundamentals of using Entity Framework Core in C#.

When Does Automating Away a Coworkers Job Cross The Line into Bullying

In a previous job, I found that a coworker was spending a full work week building an excel spreadsheet from our Azure DevOps data, so I spent about an hour writing a small program to replace his entire job. This triggered an arms race between myself and the coworker where they would slightly change what they added to the excel spreadsheet, and I would add that into the simple program (and then make it better). This went on for about 2 weeks until I was called into the manager’s office and was told that I was bullying the coworker by doing this, which I disagreed with.

Time Series Anomaly Detection with ML.NET in C#

ML.NET provides a very simple way of performing Anomaly Detection on random variables as long as they are independent and identically distributed (i.e. daily sales totals recorded at the end of each and every day). With it also being possible to detect anomalies without requiring past examples beyond your dataset.

Company Culture: "No Blame" vs "Know Blame"

Companies often claim that the operate a “no blame culture”, and then joke tht its actually a “know blame culture”. A “no blame” culture and a “know blame” culture may sound similar, but they have significant differences in their underlying principles and how they are practiced within a software development organization. This is particularly notable in the software development industry due to its unique characteristics.

How a Zero Trust Policy Hampers Software Developer Productivity

In recent years, the Zero Trust security model has gained prominence as a robust approach to safeguarding digital assets. However, when applied within a software development company, this policy can inadvertently hinder the productivity of software developers. This article delves into the specific challenges that arise when implementing a Zero Trust policy in this context, shedding light on why it may not be the most conducive approach.